Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Excuse me, i need to go to the Flu.

Gee it's been sooo long since i last made an entry. Been so bogged down by work... and as you probably guessed by now, i was down with a flu. The culprit? Fried Food and snacks. Yeap the very things that keep us going when our days are tough... the very things that pick us up when we are down... turned out to be my nemesis in disguise. Oh how vile you are! Perish, you will when i recover. I will consume every one of you so that none of my other fellow human beings would have to suffer from your venom. Be gone!

Ehem. Right. Anyways My parents just came back from Chiang Mai 2 days ago! BOOOOOOo! now EVERYONE in my family has been to Thailand except me!!!! Sigh.

anyways i was looking through some videos my mum took at the Elephant park, and it's just so heartwarming to see how deep a connection the thais had with their elephants.

Oh she filmed the elephants playing soccer!! How Elephantastic! And it's not some clumsy elephant tripping over a ball you know... the elephant could actually take a penalty kick! So cool!

And here's a picture that the elephant painted!!! Ain't that amazing?! I'm telling ya. Animals are taking over the world. High time they did. And when they do, i just want them to know that i'm on their side. muahaha.

On another note:

Just read from the news today that Singapore's trying to more gender equal when it comes to sexual abuse cases. So that means that guys can claim sexual harrasment as much as girls can. HAh!! finally! so you girls who have been trying to hit on me, WATCH OUT! muahahaha. Just because you don't exist doesn't mean i can't sue you!!


Anonymous said...

how'd you know the elephant REAAAAALLLY painted that?

Shermeen the Doubting Thomas

Jonny said...

hehe cos it was done RIGHT infront of my parents!

unless the elephants brainwashed my parents... which ties in with my notion that animals are taking over the world. haha.