Saturday, October 27, 2007

The (Red) Devil's Advocate

This would be my 1st sports-related entry. I watched bits and pieces of the the match between my beloved Manchester United and Middlesborough. And as of all Man U fans out there, our hearts sang gleefully as Man U once again put up a dazzling display of world-class, dazzling soccer... brushing Middlesborough aside 4-1. It's the 4th consecutive time that Man U has scored 4 goals... But it's not the goals that impress me. It's their confidence and brand of attacking football. It's such joy to watch.
This is a lead-up to their match against League leaders Arsenal next weekend. What a titanic battle in the horizon. Arsenal, who have been God-like in their football, might prove too much for Manchester United to handle. At the moment, the gunners look like they can do no wrong. But one (or 2) season ago, it took Man U to stop Chelsea's formidable form. Can they do it the same to Arsenal? and once again restore equilibrium in favour of themselves, the rightful rulers? We'll find out. Just so u know, i'm prepared for a Man U loss. anything else is a bonus. Nevertheless, i'll always be proud of them.
Onto other stuff.
If you're a driver, you would agree with me that sometimes you encounter motorcyclists who are just suicidal on the roads. They zip past you, tailgate, squeeze into the smallest of gaps between vehicles... and they're always speeding! I mean, don't they realise that the slightest touch from another vehicle would send them flying? their bodies might be then deformed or shattered by the oncoming traffic? And for some reason, i get the feeling that they ENJOY these thrill rides of theirs. SURE. go ahead and live life as though the tragic deaths of other riders will never happen to them. Laugh while you do so. Just remember while you are airbourne, and about the hit the ground head-first, U ASKED FOR IT.

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