Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cheeky Business

Today while on my way to class, i stopped by Kopitiam to get my lunch from the economical rice stall. This is what i experienced:

This non-chinese guy (i think he's malay) who was serving someone else, was just mimicking his chinese colleagues by adressing the customer as 'shuai ge' (handsome guy), then laughing to himself about it, and after that he went on by asking "hai you leh?" (anything else?)... and STILL chuckling to himself. It was just interesting watching him.

Then when i proceeded to pay for my food, i asked the cashier to give me a pair of chopsticks as well. He cheekily said "chopsticks add 20 cents". I said something along the lines of "NO WAYyyy"... and he replied "YES WAY"... and the he smiled. He was kidding, of cos. hahaha

Thinking abt it, it was so lame. but somehow, i walked away from that store smiling. Something abt that made me feel good. That's the power of service. it's the little things. haha


Anonymous said...

Did he call you shuai ge?

Was it why you were so pleased? =p

Jonny said...

Haha! Hi kevyn~ how i wish he called me shuai ge too. unfortunately not. But not to worry. i get enough ppl calling me 'shuai ge' anyway. *diva pose* hahaha