Sunday, October 14, 2007

Wise man says: Fruit that has flown a thousand miles will burn hole in pocket.

Wow it's been a long time since i updated! woops! sorry folks! Think i've been too busy recently. Well let's see, what's there to update on... Oh yes i went for lunch with shermeen and her family on sunday (14th oct) at Red Star Restaurant... Apparently they have quite good dim sum!

That's sherms with her favourite dim sum of all time: the chestnut cake thingie. See, it's so important to her that i don't know what it's called. Wait... that didn't make sense. *sheepish* hehe sorry dear!

We then proceeded to Liang Court to shop around... we first went to kinokuniya, then to the supermarket in basement 1, called Meidi-Ya... They have imported Japanese foods there... what totally blew my mind was the prices. check it out:

Exhibit A

Rockmelon: $89.90
Man. That certainly rocked MY melons. Hmmm. that sounded wrong.

Exhibit B

Siew Pek Chye: $8.90
And that's even before cooking it with garlic and soy sauce.

But i DID enjoy the lovely Japanese ice-cream!! YUMMY. They had flavours like sweet potato, and black sesame (the same thing u get from tang yuan)! and oh their melon flavour was good too! I swear the best things in life come from Japan.

Other japanese products i'm looking to acquire in the near future:
Nintendo Wii!!!
A new Sony Camera
More Japanese Ice cream

So anyways. Sherms, nab, shal, Erfen and myself went to Shal's place to watch The Producers AGAIN. We enjoyed it once more... laughed quite a lot. Keep it light, keep it fun, keep it gay!!
Oh before that we went to Geylang Surai to buy some malay goodies for dinner! Man, i wish i could live in a pasar malam!

Okie dokie... back to my busy life. ugh i so need a haircut. that's like so random. just like how i love men's lifestyle magazines.

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