Sunday, February 24, 2008

Of hits and misses!

GOALLLLL!!!!! those were the screams during our little supper at Simpang Bedok as we were treated to a lovely Man U performance, who trashed Newcastle 5 - 1. Delicious food, nice spicy BBQ stingray, some tea and 'ice limau ice limau ice', some quirky moments and a big serving of friendship! i really love supper time. it's a great time to relax and chat about life...

and of cos there's always time for funny photos!!

In this photo, i was doing my impression of one of the dishes one the menu. and the one i chose was "Old Timer Fish & Chips". yeah baby.... i think i pretty much nailed it! hhehee

Right. In this one, we were assigned different numbers, and we were supposed to show it in our own style. hehehe. yeap... our brain degenerated as we descended later into the night...

Oh and speaking of photos, earlier in the day i tried my hand at photography! Used Elvin's Digital SLR... hahaha well all i can say is that i have better talents in other areas. hahaha

Huixin decided to live up to her reputation after being voted best dressed frujchaholic... showcasing the latest addition to her wardrobe: A trash bag.

Played soccer on sunday morn, after a LOOOONG break from it (since tennis and badminton occupied my weekends). It was a great feeling again... had so much laughter round the court. BUT as usual, my terrible physical fitness was revealed as i had to bail out towards the end, suffering from a cramped calf. hahaha.
And on this glorious return to soccer-dom, i was showered with gifts!! Like a nasty collision that left a bump on my head, and a soccer ball rammed right into my face. hhahaha ahhhhhh good times....~

GOOD NEWS! I'm gonna be an uncle!!! My eldest brother revealed that my sis-in-law is pregnant!!! wheee! I should be an uncle by october or november this year! AND MORE GOOD NEWS! my 2nd brother also announced that he's planning to get married in december! Woohooo! Double Happiness, so they say. hahaha. This really is the year where everything changes.

Well... the week ahead is going to be very tough for me. i just hope it all goes well. Sigh. i dunno what else to say abt it, except it's the one thing that's weighing my mood down... despite such an eventful weekend.

PS: A big 'konichiwa' to mellies! hope ure having fun in Japan! Sugoiiiiii!

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