Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lee Family: The Reunion

Well it's that time of the year when chinese families all around the world gather @ home to have a hearty meal... it was no different for my family. And this was the year i told myself: i'm gonna help out with the preparation of the gargantuan feast. My mum has laboured long and hard enough for CNY preparations, and it's time I did my part too.

That's my mum... my hero. She's such a pillar in the family. Love her to bits. btw, can u believe she's 60 this year?!?! hahah oops. sorry mum. wasn't supposed to reveal ur age. hahah

Yes yes that's right... i was one of the chefs involved in making the feast that you see in the picture. Muahaha. Okay well, i did the chopping and stuff... and also the cooking of rice. But hey, at least that's something. My mum refused to let me cook... afterall, that IS her 'territory'.

The table was too crowded to fit in all the dishes, that my eldest bro even had to hold up one dish!! ahahaha Oh my dad. geez. I dunno lah, my brothers and i getting more frustrated at him. Everytime never help out, only know how to watch tv, complain here and there.... sigh. Actually, it's good that he didn't help out in the kitchen too. He'd make a mess of everything anyway.

And well my brothers and i got quite bored... so we do what wacky brothers do...

... We played table tennis on our ROUND dining table, with a stack of tissue paper as the 'net'. hahahaha. that was me having a mini-contest with my sis-in-law~ hehehe.

We also spent some time laughin over this video which is damn friggin hilarious. Thanks to melissa for forwarding me this video!! it's awesome!

Sigh i miss my gf very much. she's in JB now with her whole extended family. I'm just not used to celebrating a happy occassion w/o her. Well sweetie i hope everything's going fine~ can't wait till u get back~ =)

Happy New Year everyone!! May you have a RATtling time!!

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