Thursday, November 1, 2007

More cool Japanese Stuff!

Now we all have established that Japan is one WACKY country... I was recording for my Campus Radio Show (into my 11th week now... so for those of you who haven't listened to it yet, i'm disappointed. hahha)... and the topic was about Inventions. According to my girlfriend, the Japanese are crazy with inventions... so after doing some research, she was right! check these out!

The Man Breasts are just gross. And as for the other one... wouldn't the chopsticks be heavy?

This picture left me speechless.

But this one takes the cake. Suction helmet thingie. I'm sure you can see what it's used for. I personally felt that this invention was very useful, especially if it's used in S'pore too! I mean, ever so often, we have people dozing off on the train, and it would be quite embarrasing if the one next to you dozed off with his head on your shoulder. haha...
In my SBM class, there's this Japanese Exchange student and he was learning mandarin. He moved over to me and said in chinese "I will make you happy..."... I freaked out, but i realised he was just trying to see if i understood. hahaha. I then went on to teach him how to say "I want to eat your tofu" and "I want to make love to you" in mandarin as well. Muahahahah. He says he has aspirations to get a chinese gf. hahaha.

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