Sunday, November 4, 2007

Having a BALL of a time...

This is what happened last wednesday at Frujch: Beer Pong Championships!!

It's the 3rd installment, and it gets better EVERY time. hahaha and this time we had a instructional video to go along with it! Check it out! It's hilarious! Sherms did a great job on it. I'm her fan...

And here are some pictures (of me) of the event... The atmosphere was just terrific. People screaming non-stop, and the excitement was buzzing from start to finish!

... And the crowd goes wild!! ---->

What a night! too bad i was drugged by a shot of vodka at the end. Hahahaha. Boy that was strong. Anyways the event was a success!!

Frujch... I have found my happy place. Have you?
No seriously, if you haven't tried the sandwiches like Port-a-bello Cheese or Rosemary Me, and the milkshakes there, you don't know what you're missing out. Give it a try... just once. I'm sure you'll like it.

1 comment:

pam ting said...

monkey see monkey do milkshake rocks!!!!im craving it all the way from italy!