Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Chickened out.

Just when my new year seemed to be getting off to a good start, it was tarnished with a bout of chicken pox. Oh, the woe. Isn't chicken pox meant for kids!?!? and who the hell passed it to me?!
Sigh. the confinement. 2 weeks of rotting at home, missing out on school, work, and the world. Sounds like national service. Only that you don't have to do exercise that often. Speaking of which, i better find some way of exercising otherwise i'll grow fat for sure, just lazing around.

Thanks to all who have given me their concern. I really appreciate it. yes yes i PROMISE not to scratch ok?? after hearing all the horror stories of scarring, how would i dare?!?! hahaha thanks again guys!

Looking at the bright side, at least it's happening now rather than closer to the crunch period of my school semester. Also, I'm pretty sure i'll never get it again. i hear the older you are, the more dangerous it is to get chicken pox.

Best of all, i will recover in time for the delicious goodies during CNY!! yay!! hahaha. I will kill myself if i don't get to eat all the bak kwa and love letters!! heheh.

As i gulp down another dose of my anti-viral medicine, i pray that I recover really really soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get well soon jonny! have lotsa rest, eat lotsa fruits and drink lotsa water!

yes your guitar is with me. can return it anytime! ;)