Sunday, December 16, 2007

This the weekend to be busy.... falalalala lalalala

I had a very eventful saturday... it first started off at Thomson plaza. I swear it's such an 'ulu' mall. it's so hard to get there! but i was surprised at the completeness of it! they have everything there! a supermarket, furniture place, boutique stores, restaurants, even pet shops! haha

anyway back to the topic... i started off the day being Santa!! hahah so cool!! and i had to speak like him too! "Ho Ho Ho! Meeerrry Christmas!"

It was a very touching experience for me. Kids would be so happy to see me... some came up to me and asked "Santa? can i have my presents this year?" Hahaha so adorable. I just love bringing smiles to these kids...

then i had some dinner with sherms at raffles city Soup Spoon. On a cold rainy day, a bowl of warm mushroom soup can launch me to cloud 9 man... i swear. Oh and the main atrium of raffles city which was previously under renovation is finally open. very nicely done i must say. Nice layout, and good brands brought in! Now raffles city is swarming with ppl!

At night i hosted for Toni & Guy Academy's Graduation Show. It's quite an honour to be hosting for them actually. I have utmost respect for their designers. Thanks to Alina for recommending me to the academy!

Congrats to the graduates!! Shaun (only 17yr old), stephanie (only 18), Odie.... and especially Helen. She's a mother of 2... previously she was a housewife for 14yrs. I think it takes a lot of determination and strength to continue learning at that age... and guess what? She was awarded the outstanding student award! great stuff! In fact i hear it's very very stressful to be a trainee at the academy... so i salute all the graduates!

After all that, i went down to Blu Jaz at haji lane to join shermeen and nabilah... didn't like the music at first.. but there was this interesting lead singer who was sharing some kinda profound philosophy... something along the lines of "to love, you must know how to unlove"... and "eat less now so you can eat more later..." ... hahaha she could just add a tune to those words and she'd have a whole new song there.

There was this other jazz band playing at the 1st level of Blu Jaz when i went down to have some snacks... the band's called "Ayaschool and the 3 crazy guests". It consisted of a pianist, saxist, basist and a drummer/singer. Each and every one of them brilliant in their own rights. They played such lovely music and their chemistry was good! Lovely... u can catch them at Blu jaz every saturday 930pm to 1am.

That concluded my day. a wonderfully eventful day that i wouldn't want to forget. that's why i'm blogging it. hahahah.

Speaking of music, i notice that techno music is really losing its creativity. When i was hosting for the event i mentioned in my previous entry, there was this song that the DJ played and it went like this:

They know what is what
But they don't know what is what
they just strut
What the F***

Those were the ONLY lyrics of the song! Haha of course the F word was censored. But i mean, WHUD??? for the sake of coming up with a new song, they have lyrics like that? So the question is, do they know what is what or don't they? and what the hell is what??

Oh here's a lame riddle for all of ya!

Which part of the house does the sheep like most?


Anonymous said...

nice outfit!! woohooo!

Anonymous said...

nice outfit!! woohooo!

Anonymous said...

haha.that was me. sorry having trouble using this 'comment' thingy

Anonymous said...

Apparently that song you were talking about was quite hot some time back... At least that's what I'm told la. I dun club you see :p Zal

Jonny said...

hahah thanks suan for your kind words. And Zal, i so believe you. =) especially now that too old for it. hehe