Saturday, December 1, 2007

This is how 'Wii' play...

Ah hah! wonderful! the exams are finally over! The Sun of gratification and relief has once again risen, beaming its rays from the horizon! Wooohooo! Time to PARTY!! *does the can can*

The moment i walked out of the exam room on my last paper, I went off to look for Sherms. While waiting for her to have her hair done, I spent some time with my dear exchange friend, Fabienne, who was also joining sherms and I for lunch. She's flying off today. sigh. gonna miss her. Bon Voyage, babe! I'll get in touch with you when i travel to Europe!

And Sherms definitely celebrated HER end-of-term in style too! haha she got her hair dyed! Nice shades of red! I love our hair-stylist. hahah I'm also thinking of colouring my hair a little. Just don't know what colour would be suitable for me. Any ideas?

In the evening I went to Rachel's place for our scheduled SBM Wii Party! We did a project on Nintendo for the SBM course, and it was only right that we celebrated it the way we did! With a Nintendo Wii! here are some pictures and videos of the amazingly fun time we had!!

Here's a video of Rachel and Christine playing boxing on Wii Sports. Hahaha hilarious.

And here's one of us playing Wii Tennis!

HAha within 2 days i've been asked by 5 different people where from and how much i got my Wii for. I got it from Sim Lim... one of the shops on the outskirts of level 1. Gaming Industries or Games Industries or something like that. haha. I sorta know the guy there now so if you need help in buying a Wii, let me know! (PS: be prepared to pay a bit more for a modified one. heh.)

What i would tell you is that although it does cost a bit more, but in the long run, u will get many valuable returns. You can't put a price tag on the fun and laughter you share with the people you care about.


Anonymous said...

joneh, does that 5 include me? ok maybe it should be 6 then. i look at your Wii posts and im like damn jealous lah. must faster buy haha.

Jonny said...

hahah yes the 5 includes you too dear. Hahaha i can see how eager u are to get it... and if you need any help at all, please let me know. =)